Recology Organics - Aumsville - Recology Western Oregon
California Cont.
Recology Organics – Aumsville
Where to Find Us
  • 8712 Aumsville Highway
  • Salem, OR 97317
  • 503.749.3117
Location Map
Our Hours
  • October – March:
    Monday – Friday: 8 AM – 4 PM
  • April – September
    Monday – Friday: 8 AM – 5 PM

Closed to Public: New Year, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day 

Recology Organics – Aumsville is our southernmost compost facility in Oregon that processes approximately 50,000 tons of yard trimmings and food scraps annually. The facility uses a state-of-the-art aerated static pile system to process inbound material faster and more efficiently while reducing odor. Our quality assurance program includes routine nutrient, metal, and pathogen analysis to ensure a high-quality and consistent product that meets the needs of our customers. We offer retail product options that include compost, mulch, and soil blends.

Inquire about our recent compost analysis

Available Services

Compost Collection, Products, and Consultation Icon
Compost Collection, Products, and Consultation

Recology Organics facilities produce a variety of compost and soil amendment blends from various organic materials that we recover from nearby communities. Compost, custom blends, and mulch products are available for sale to commercial customers. The Recology Organics team also provides consultation services to customers who wish to optimize their soil amendment blend with minerals and other supplements. Most Recology Organics facilities also serve as green waste or food waste drop off centers. Disposal fees vary, so please contact us for rates.

Available Products

Recology Premium Compost

Recology Premium Compost

A dark, nutrient-rich mulch containing millions of beneficial microbes that promote healthy plant life. Yard debris and food scrap feedstock are transformed into compost, then screened to sizes less than 5/8 of an inch, and cured to ensure a mature finished product that will be most beneficial for all kinds of soils.

Uses: Best used as a soil amendment or ground cover. When used as a soil amendment and applied properly, it puts life back in your soil. We recommend thoroughly working the compost in with your existing soil at a ratio of approximately 2″ of compost with the top 8″-12″ of your soil. When used as a ground cover, it is an attractive alternative to bark dust that, unlike bark dust, feeds plants and soil while tending to maintain its color. Other benefits of the compost may include: moisture retention, erosion control, less soil compaction, better drainage, and disease suppression.

50/50 Plant Mix

50/50 Plant Mix

Uses: This is an extremely popular product used as a soil amendment for lawns and gardens. While you can plant directly into this product, we highly recommend mixing it with your existing soil. 50/50 is an excellent choice for people who want the benefits of the compost and need to add volume to their lawn or garden.A mixture of 60% Recology Premium Compost and 40% Sandy Loam Topsoil

Dark Hemlock

Dark Hemlock

A dark, nutrient-rich mulch containing millions of beneficial microbes that promote healthy plant life. Yard debris and food scrap feedstock are transformed into compost, then screened to sizes less than 5/8 of an inch, and cured to ensure a mature finished product that will be most beneficial for all kinds of soils.

Red Hemlock

Red Hemlock

Uses: Topdressing in planting beds and around lawns. Aged ground hemlock bark, available in dark and red colors, screened to ¾” and smaller.

Custom Blends

Custom Blends

Don’t see what you need on this list? We do custom blending of any of our products. Please call the office for a quote on a custom soil blend.