Reuse Center
The Reuse Center is located at the Yuba-Sutter Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility. Shop for recycled products like paint, gardening supplies, automotive fluids, and free cleaning products.
Every item in the Reuse Center is free! Product availability may vary from week to week.
What Goes Where?
Find out how to properly dispose of your items below.
Place food scraps loose, or in a paper bag in your green organics cart. We accept all food scraps, soiled paper, and plants. Contact us to change the size of any of your carts.
Acceptable Organics/Compostable Materials |
Unacceptable Materials
Food Scraps
- Bread, grains, and pasta
- Coffee grounds and paper filter
- Dairy
- Eggshells and eggs
- Fruit (pits & peels)
- Leftovers and spoiled food
- Meat (including bones)
- Seafood (including shellfish)
- Tea and tea bags
- Vegetables
Food-Soiled Paper

- Coffee filters
- Greasy pizza boxes
- Paper plates
- Paper bags, napkins, tissues, and towels
- Tissues
- Branches and brush
- Flowers and floral trimmings
- Grasses and weeds
- Leaves
- Tree trimmings (less than 8 inches in diameter and cut to fit in your cart)
- Christmas trees (cut in half or multiple pieces)
- Cotton balls and cotton swabs
- Hair, fur, and feathers (non-synthetic)
- Wood – small pieces of lumber or sawdust from clean wood only (no plywood, pressboard, painted, stained, or treated wood)
- Wooden chopsticks
- Corks – natural

- Aluminum foil or trays
- “Biodegradable” plastic
- Cat litter or animal feces
- Ceramic dishware or glassware
- Clothing, linens, and rags
- Cooking oil
- Corks – plastic
- Diapers
- Dirt, rocks, or stone
- Flower pots or trays
- Foil-backed or plastic-backed paper
- Glass, metal, or plastic
- Liquids or ice
- Palm Fronds
- Plastic bags, wrappers, or film
- Recyclable/clean cardboard or paper
- Styrofoam
- Wood – plywood, pressboard, painted or stained wood
- Waxed cardboard and paper
Each residential curbside recycling cart has two separate compartments. The label on the lid details what can be placed inside each of the cart’s compartments. Place paper and small cardboard pieces in the side with the black lid, and place plastic, aluminum, glass bottles, and cans in the side with the blue lid. If you have a lot of cardboard boxes, please flatten and place next to your carts.
Recycling must be loose and free of a plastic bag liner.
Acceptable Recycling Materials |
Unacceptable Recycling Materials |
Metal (no liquids or food):
- Aluminum cans
- Aluminum foil and trays (ball foil up to softball size)
- Caps and lids from bottles, jars, and steel (tin) cans
- Paint cans (must be empty or dry)
- Spray cans (must be empty)
- Steel (tin) cans
- Bottles (leave caps on)
- Buckets (metal handle ok)
- CD’s, DVD’s, CDROM & Cases (remove paper insert)
- Coffee cup lids
- Containers and clamshells
- Cups and plates (plastic only, no Styrofoam)
- Flower pots and trays – plastic
- Laundry detergent bottles
- Toys (no electronics, metal or batteries)
- Tubs and lids (yogurt containers & Tupperware)
- Utensils – plastic
Glass (no liquids or food):
- Glass jars and containers
Paper (clean, dry, and unsoiled):
- Paper bags

- Cardboard (non-waxed); for large pieces of cardboard: flatten and stack on the ground next to the recycling cart
- Cereal boxes and paperboard (remove plastic liner)
- Computer and office paper
- Egg cartons (paper)
- Envelopes (windows okay)
- Junk mail and magazines
- Newspapers
- Packing or Kraft paper
- Phonebooks
- Sticky notes
- Shredded paper (place in sealed paper)
- Wrapping paper
- Batteries
- Ceramic dishware or glassware
- Coat hangers
- Electronics
- Food scraps
- Glass mirrors and windows
- Incandescent light bulbs,
Fluorescent light bulbs and HIDs
- Plastic items mixed fabric or rubber
- Plastic labeled “Compostable” or “Biodegradable”
- Scrap metal
- Soiled paper (paper plates, napkins, tissues, towels, take-out boxes, and greasy pizza boxes). Please place in your organics cart.
- Styrofoam
- Waxed cardboard and paper
- Wood
- Yard trimmings
Few things, once they are used, are actually trash. Among such things are non-recyclable plastics and other complex materials that were not designed to be recycled. Only place materials that cannot be reused or recycled in your trash.
Acceptable Garbage Materials |
Unacceptable Trash Materials
- Cat litter and animal feces (bagged)
Ceramic dishware or glassware
- Cigarette Butts (extinguished – run under water prior to disposal)
- Dental floss
- Diapers
- Feminine Hygiene Products
- Glass mirrors and windows inside a double brown paper bag and smashed into small pieces
- Incandescent light bulbs
(no fluorescents or HIDs)
- Mylar (shiny metal) bags
(potato chips, candy bars, balloons, etc)
- Palm Fronds
- Pens and pencils
Plastic items mixed with metal or rubber
- Plastic labeled “Biodegradable”
- Rubber bands
- Six-pack ring holder – please cut up
- Sponges
- Styrofoam
- Twist ties
- Wood – small pieces of plywood, pressboard, and painted or stained wood
- Waxed cardboard and paper
- Appliances
- Asbestos
- Batteries
- Coat hangers
- Construction debris
- Cooking oil and grease
- Dirt, rocks, or stone
- Electronics
- Fluorescent or HID light bulbs
- Food scraps, soiled paper, or yard trimmings
- Household hazardous waste
- Large items (furniture, metal, plastic, wood)
- Liquids or ice
- Motor oil
- Needles or syringes
- Paint
- Recyclable cardboard, glass, metal, paper, or plastic
- Toys with electronics or batteries
Do You Have Extra Trash?
If you have extra trash that does not fit in your cart, please contact us.