Recology King County’s 2023 Artist in Residence exhibition, featuring Alchemy by Haein Kang and Semiotics of a Box by Amanda Manitach.
Opening reception at Mutuus Studio, September 8th, 6 PM – 9 PM.
Georgetown Art Attack, September 9th, 1 PM – 6 PM and September 16th, 1 PM – 5 PM.
To visit on weekdays, make an appointment by contacting MPhillips@Recology.com
Artist in Residence Program
The Recology King County AIR Program is a four-month art and educational residency that provides King County artists administrative support, a stipend, and access to discarded materials from the waste stream to create artwork.
During the four-month residency, artists scavenge at the Recology Material Recovery Facility, the North Seattle Transfer Station, and the Recology Stores for materials to make their art. The exhibition of completed work will be held at Mutuus Studio in Georgetown, opening on September 8th – 16th. To see more of the artist’s artwork, visit and follow HaeinKang.com and AmandaManitach.com @amandamanitach
Find out more information about the program by visiting our website or contacting Maria Phillips at MPhillips@Recology.com
This year’s artists
Through the lens of art, Haein Kang scrutinizes contemporary technologies closely intertwined with politics, the economy, and culture. Human aspirations for a better future often drive technological progress to deliver bigger and faster outcomes. However, this increase in economic efficiency provides only momentary gratification, not ultimate fulfillment. Kang’s art practice challenges that niche, by creating machines that engage in poetic beauty. Digital technology, the driving force of a data-driven society, is the subject and means of her art practice. Kang devises algorithms and electronics that make the invisible visible and the intangible tangible.
Kang’s exploration during through Recology’s AIR Program pays homage to the unsung heroes who manage the relentless influx of materials of our modern existence by immortalizing the hands of these dedicated employees in recycled PET bottles.
A self-taught multidisciplinary artist with a background in literature and writing, Amanda Manitach merges an affinity for drawing and language in large-scale works on paper. Drawings are laboriously built from fine marks made with a mechanical pencil, and austere block statements emerge from a froth of decadent pattern, interweaving aspects of the visceral, dirty, and hysterical with the delicate and sublime. Texts vary from screamingly profane to defiant, at one turn brimming with ache, the next bubbling with crude humor or dreaminess.
In her AIR program exhibition, Manitach delves into the intricate relationship between consumption and seduction, dissecting the persuasive language employed in everyday product packaging labeling