What do I do with household hazardous waste (HHW) and electronic waste (E-Waste)?
These items cannot be put into your curbside bin so here are some easy ways to deal with HHW and E-Waste:
- Bulky Item Collection. Residents may schedule up to two (2) free pick-ups per year, where up to five (5) E-Waste items may be placed curbside.
- Monthly HHW Drop-Off Events at John Smith Road Landfill. HHW can be dropped off every third Saturday of the month from 9am – 12pm (noon). This event is FREE for San Benito County residents (proof is required). Maximum of 15 gallons or 125 pounds per load.
- Quarterly Recycling Days. Residents may drop off two (2) Bulky Items, per event, for FREE during quarterly events.
- Environmental Days. Three (3) times per year residents are invited to shred important documents, drop-off E-Waste, and pick-up free compost during our Environmental Day Events.